Top 10 Instagram Ideas to Gain More Followers

Top 10 Instagram Ideas to Gain More Followers

Social media has been around for over 10 years now and led to the rise of the marketing industry. Instagram has played a very important role and there are almost 700 million monthly active users. It is far-reaching and contributes a huge amount of content daily. Instagram gives a variety of options for posting and has a unique way of a kind. We see on Instagram people sharing everything right from the morning what they do, to recipes, exercises, marriage, delivery etc absolutely everything that they share.

Every entrepreneur should think of Ideas to master and use this tool on Instagram properly because it is a very powerful medium to showcase your business. Every business's future will be a success if you know the correct method of trading it. Instagram is very important for any business to flourish and helps to raise business profiles.

We can take a quick peek at how you can raise your business followers by just increasing your followers:

Followers play a very important role in creating engagement on Instagram,  to create engagement we need the proper methods to follow.

A peek into your life

Ambitious as you may seem if it is hit behind the wall that ambition becomes meaningless. Every business needs to be showcased and projected so you need people and followers. You can give a peek into your life that will impact your customers and give you a huge opportunity to display not only your life but also your business. It has been researched that customers trust not only the product because of the service but also because of the story that is wrapped around it through  Instagram stories. Followers are like ants, as they can smell the sugar and attract others.


Instagram helps in networking with other entrepreneurs and influential people. This practice helps everyone's business. Through networking, followers increase and also transfer an adequate message of inviting them and often establish a fellow entrepreneur.

A reason to Follow

There should be a reason why people should follow you, and you need to give it to them. The reason should be a specific one that will be helpful and the person will care to read. The reason should be strong enough to get motivated to follow.

Right handle

It is essential to pick the perfect Instagram handle that is close to your business name that will make it easy for people to remember, and recognise your account.

Quality followers

It is good to focus on quality rather than quantity. The reactions of Instagram users and you need people to comment, like, and share your content. You don't need boring followers who are inactive. The exciting people who can appreciate your content and that can help you to convert to customers.

Try to create good content

You can get more followers by giving them good content and a piece of work. If you give them waste they will not waste their time on your brand. Photos, videos of the best quality, stories, reels, real-time videos, tutorials, fun spontaneous videos, shorts, bizarre or interesting content, etc can get more followers.


Focus on great entertaining content, as people like entertainment. It should be hilarious, interesting, entertaining, action-packed or trigger your intellect. It should be useful, thoughtful, and interactive which is creative.

Instagram SEO

Working on your Instagram SEO helps to build followers as it allows you to target keywords. Working on Instagram SEO highly increases the rate of followers.

Instagram style

Developing your unique way of Instagram styling is the biggest trend to gain more followers. People appreciate the uniqueness and can instantly recognise your feeds. It creates recognition and identity with brand awareness. You have to develop your style and develop your brand.

Get Local

Followers get crazy when they can relate to something so local. They can connect easily and they love to follow such posts. It is very spontaneous to gain followers of the Geographic community and they are immediately drawn as they are familiar with what they are seeing or reading. You can post pictures of any local landmarks share news, local events etc

Using hashtags

It is recommended to use a mix of hashtags as they are like keywords and these hashtags will help to find the right people. You need to mix both long hashtags and short hashtags to grow your following.

Analyze your competitors

A little social media reporting competitive analysis will help you to get more followers as you will know what is lacking. Observe your competitors closely for a week or so and you can realize and analyze their strategies and also can get ideas on what is the best time to post, what kind of materials to post etc.

Using tools

There are many kinds of tools that will help to get you more followers like management tools, photo editing tools, and design tools that have their unique way and helps you to save a lot of time.


Growing your Instagram followers would actually help to increase your business,  profits, brand awareness, trustworthiness, brand credibility etc. It is essential that you go through the ideas because it will create a better brand follower.


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